6.1 Speeddating

In the second part, the impulse is given by the participants by means of so-called speed dating. It represents a first user survey, so to speak.

6.2 Blueprint

This part is about giving the participants another impulse for the following revision.
For this purpose, watch the videos, discuss them briefly, but remember:
It’s just an example – your creativity has no limits.

4. Storyboard

In the storyboard, the implementation of the storyline in a film is planned. This can be done by drawing or in writing or in combination.

3. Storytelling and storyline

The basic pattern of a story consists of three parts, which can be described in the simplest form as beginning, middle, end. Or perhaps more precisely: initial situation, complication, resolution.

1.3 Agile method

#short explained #First element Kanban board The Kanban Board is a tool to better organize the work in the team. At any time the current work status of the project is visible. The board is continuously updated during the work in the project, so that the work process of the team is also documented. 01. […]

1.1 Onboarding

DigitalSchoolStory presented by Mo and Serhat. Have fun!
(Use English subtitles in CC)

6.2 Das Speeddating

Im zweiten Teil erfolgt der Impuls durch die Student:innen mittels des sogenannten Speeddating. Es stellt sozusagen eine erste Nutzerbefragung dar.

06. Die Blaupause

In diesem Teil geht es darum den Schüler:innen einen ersten Impuls für die nachfolgende Überarbeitung zu geben.
Dazu wird im ersten Teil eines der Videos einmal gezeigt und bei Bedarf mit der Klasse besprochen.

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