#short explained

1.4 Feedback

Feedback is open feedback to a person or a group about how their behavior is perceived and interpreted by others. Regular use of the feedback technique creates more openness and clarity in relationships and can thus help to improve communication in everyday school life.


The feedback flow

Do you already know the AID.feedback-TD method?

Why don’t you use the mnemonic as follows:

The feedback provider speaks in turn the Aid for:

  1. Awareness 
  2. Impact
  3. Desire

The feedback receiver can now say „TD“ for:

  1. Thank you.
  2. Decision, (what she found helpful from the feedback and what she wants to implement). 
Video abspielen

Feedback explained live


Feedback rules

The rules of feedback

And here are a few rules for those giving feedback:

  • The 3-C rule: concise, concrete, constructive Avoid evaluations.
  • Refer to specific behaviors.
  • Be open and honest.
  • Offer your information, don’t impose it.
  • Give your feedback as soon as possible.

And for those who receive feedback

  • The 3-L rule: listen, listen, listen.
    Ask questions if you don’t understand something.
  • Do not justify or defend yourself. 
  • Always remember: It is not about who is right, but only about personal perceptions and messages. 
Video abspielen

Feedback explained live


Feedback rules

FeedUp, FeedForward and Feedback?
What is meant by this?

If you pay attention to this trio, you will succeed:

  • set your goals well ( (Feed Up)
  • to reflect on your actions (Feedback)
  • and then continue to take the next step (Feed Forward)

FeedUp is about being clear about where you want to go.

You set the goal.

Feedback means getting feedback on where you are – ideally on specific examples. It’s a look into past situations.

With FeedForward, you look ahead. To the next step. It’s about looking into the future. Maybe you adapt the task or develop next steps together with the learner to reach the goal.


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